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Track Lighting Manila Philippines

Widest Range of LED Track Lighting in Manila Philippines

Specialist for architectural lighting presents an exceptionally extensive range of luminaires

Track Lighting Manila Philippines

Track Lighting Manila Philippines

Track Lighting Manila Philippines – Our large selection of innovative LED Track Lighting Manila Philippines which are 80% more efficient than a typical CFL bulb. This LEDs are the most energy efficient technology available today. LED have been hailed as the future of lighting. LED light bulbs have transformed the lighting tradition across the globe. Track Lighting Manila Philippines will help you save energy and save money on your indoor, outdoor, new and retrofit LED lighting applications.

LED Track Lighting Technology

GlobeLED uses a new Track Lighting technology which uses much less energy and lasts much longer than traditional light sources.LED Bulb are specially designed for replacing conventional incandescent and CFL bulbs. This are great for use in table lamps, bed lamps, decorative lamp fixtures and reading lamps. Instead of using fragile glass which is often used in halogen and CFL bulbs, LED’s tend to be made out of high quality plastic and as such are shock and drop resistant

Life Hour


Energy Efficiency


Mercury Free



Track Lighting Applications

We pride ourselves in being a lighting solutions provider by offering our customers a broad line of innovative and high quality lighting products. Because they are designed to save energy and therefore to reduce the costs, LED Track Lighting systems are widely used in large organizations and buildings, such as hotels, factories, shopping malls, hospitals, office buildings and supermarkets.


Our products are frequently reviewed and updated to the latest technology in order to provide the best cost effective,energy saving quality for our customers.With the rapid development of LED technology, GlobeLED Philippines emerged as a leading supplier of LED lighting. GlobeLED is a dedicated brand name in the field of energy efficient LED lighting systems in the Philippines.

High Quality Track Lighting

Our Track Lighting solutions are manufactured to strict standards of performance and quality. We pay attention when choosing better quality LED chips, Although some of our bulbs may look similar to others, the internal components may be of higher quality. Our products are professionally designed & engineered in Taiwan.

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